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Fast API Naming Conventions

Pythong Naming Convention

Sure, here’s a table showing the standard naming conventions for Python code, based on PEP 8`, the official style guide for Python:

Type Naming Convention Example
Variable Snake case my_variable
Function Snake case my_function()
Class Pascal case MyClass
Constant All uppercase with underscores MY_CONSTANT
Module Short, lowercase names. Can have underscores
Package Short, lowercase names. Should not have underscores mypackage
Method Snake case my_method()
Instance variable Snake case (beginning with underscore if private) _my_instance_var or my_instance_var
Global variable Snake case my_global_var
Factory function (returns instance of a class) should be named like classes FactoryFunction()

FastAPI Naming Convention

Type Python Naming Convention Example FastAPI Naming Convention Example Similar/Different
Variable Snake case user_name Snake case user_name Similar
Function Snake case def get_user(): Snake case def get_user(): Similar
Class PascalCase class User: Snake case for Pydantic models, PascalCase otherwise Pydantic model - class user:, Others - class User: Different
Constant All uppercase with underscores MAX_LIMIT All uppercase with underscores MAX_LIMIT Similar
Module Short, lowercase names. Can have underscores Short, lowercase names. Can have underscores Similar
Package Short, lowercase names. Should not have underscores mypackage Short, lowercase names. Should not have underscores mypackage Similar
Method Snake case def get_user(): Snake case def get_user(): Similar
Instance Variable Snake case (beginning with underscore if private) _user_name Snake case (beginning with underscore if private) _user_name Similar
Global Variable Snake case total_users Snake case total_users Similar
Endpoint Parameters N/A N/A Snake case @app.get("/users/{user_id}") N/A
Path Operations N/A N/A Snake case @app.get("/get_users") N/A
Pydantic Model N/A N/A PascalCase class UserModel: N/A
Pydantic Field N/A N/A Snake case user_name: str in a Pydantic model N/A

Note that endpoint parameters, path operations, Pydantic models and Pydantic fields are specific to FastAPI and don’t have a corresponding Python convention.

JSON Conventions for RestAPI

Sure, here’s the updated table:

Component Convention Example
Resource Name Plural form, lowercase /creditCards
Path Parameters Lowercase, represents resource identifier /creditCards/123
Query Parameters camelCase, used for filtering/sorting/field selection /creditCards?sortBy=cardType&order=desc
Body Parameters camelCase { "cardHolderName": "John Doe", "cardNumber": "1234567812345678", "expiryDate": "12/24" }
Headers PascalCase (camelCase with first letter capitalized) { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer abc123" }

Covenstion Issues

Let’s summarize the naming convention for Application vs API:

By default, FastAPI api parameters are defined in snakecase & thus, reflected as is in API’s breaking RestAPI naming convention

Post for Better Explanation of the issue
