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Docker Commands Categorization

Docker commands can be broadly categorized based on their functionality. Here’s a basic grouping of Docker commands:

  1. Container Lifecycle Management Commands:
    • docker create
    • docker run
    • docker start
    • docker stop
    • docker restart
    • docker rm
  2. Container Operations Commands:
    • docker ps
    • docker logs
    • docker exec
    • docker attach
    • docker kill
    • docker top
    • docker stats
  3. Image Management Commands:
    • docker images
    • docker rmi
    • docker pull
    • docker push
    • docker build
  4. Network Management Commands:
    • docker network create
    • docker network rm
    • docker network ls
  5. System Information Commands:
    • docker version
    • docker info
    • docker system df
  6. System Pruning and Cleaning Commands:
    • docker system prune
    • docker container prune
    • docker image prune
    • docker network prune
    • docker volume prune

Remember, this is just a basic categorization and the Docker CLI has more commands and subcommands that you can explore in the official Docker documentation.